On Friday night, 20th July 2012, over 300 people gathered and enjoyed a gala night at the official launch of the Melissa Roberts Foundation, in Sydney Australia.
The Foundation has been established as a legacy to a special young woman, Mel, who passed away in August 2010. Mel was a voice hearer.
The Foundation supports people who here distressing voices. It does this by organising and running fundraising events on behalf of charities whose aims and objectives are consistent with their own, particularly the Hearing Voices Network NSW.(
The launch was hosted by Sydney radio personality Tom Tilley, who steered the nights activities. The highlight of the evening was the keynote speakers, Janet Meagher, a member of the Australian Mental Health Commission and Peter Bullimore Chair of Hearing Voices Network UK. Both Janet and Peter gave inspiring and informative presentations, as experts by lived experience.
The launch raised over $A38000 which was a fantastic result. The proceeds will go the Hearing Voices Network NSW.
If you want to know more about the Foundation, Mel’s story and much more, go to their website at and/or their facebook site.